For anybody who wants to explore the pleasures of cannabis water on a weekend away with friends or chilling at home, it is understandable to have some concerns in the back of your mind. Most importantly, how long does weed stay in your system? This is especially true if you’re required to take a THC drug test for employment.
Unfortunately, there is no set answer as delta-9 can vary in how long it lingers based on the amount you consume and your body type.
But we’re confident that after reading this article you’ll have a much more accurate understanding to help you avoid potential problems with employers.

What is Delta-9 THC
Delta-9 THC is the fun part of the cannabis plant and it’s what we use in our Drink Delta Cannabis Water and Delta Light THC seltzers. D-9 is responsible for the “high” sensations of euphoria, energy, focus, and relaxation we all look for. Each strain or type of cannabis plant contains a different ratio of THC to CBD to help balance everything out.
According to US cannabis legislation, plants that contain higher levels of THC (0.3% and above) are classified as marijuana, and ones with low levels (less than 0.3%) are labeled as hemp.
For decades cannabis has been popularized for its consumption as marijuana, weed, Mary Jane, or whatever you want to call it. It was also heavily criminalized but in recent years a shift in public opinion, a desire for alternatives to alcohol, and changes in legislation mean more people are consuming cannabis than ever before1.
Is Delta-9 Legal?
In 2018, the legal THC scene was revolutionized by the Farm Bill. It changed legislation around how the cannabis plant is classified paving the way for hemp-derived Delta-8 and Delta-9. In other words, you can now get high legally! (In most states at least.)
So yes, in most states Delta-9 THC is legal if it is derived from hemp. Cannabis is classified as hemp when it contains less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. If the level is 0.3% or more, it’s Mary Jane.
Does Delta 9 Show Up As THC in a Drug Test?
Yes, all Drink Delta products will cause you to test positive for THC. While we do use hemp-derived THC, the levels of THC in each can—including Delta Light—are high enough to trigger a positive drug test.
If you have just drunk a little too much and want to tone down the buzz, you might want to check out this article with our top tips to sober up. It won’t mean you’ll pass a drug test, but it’s good to know.
Whether it’s hemp or marijuana, THC is all the same once it’s in your bloodstream. So how long does THC stay in your body?

THC Urine Test
Of all the drug and substance tests performed in the US, urine testing is the most common, but
how long does THC stay in your urine?
As time goes on after the last consumption, the amount of THC present in urine will lower. Your usage depends on whether it drops to a level low enough to pass a test.
If you use delta-9 daily or several times a day, trace levels of THC will linger in your bloodstream and can potentially trigger a positive test. If your consumption is lighter and not so consistent, you can expect to pass a drug test within 30 to 60 days.
Additionally, your body composition (body fat percentage), diet, and sweat rate can all influence the time it takes to metabolize THC. So there is no way to know for how long will delta 9 show up on a drug test.
That said, all drug and scientific tests have parameters and limitations. In most cases, unless you have a level of between 15 nanograms or up to 50 per milliliter of urine, it may not show.
THC Blood Test
While it is less common than a urine test, it’s just as good to know how long does delta 9 stay in your blood. Why? Blood tests are much easier to pass because they are used to detect more recent use of cannabis.
Blood tests will typically detect cannabis consumption within the last two to 12 hours but it may pick up THC in blood for up to 30 days2 later if the person consumes a lot.
THC Hair Test
Hair tests are the most sensitive, looking for long-term use of marijuana and detecting THC up to 90 days after use.
The problem with hair tests is that they test the oil in the skin transferred to hair, which can sometimes result in false positives. This means that even someone who has merely been in contact with a THC user could theoretically test positive.
Once THC metabolites are stored in your hair, they remain until you cut it, but THC can also be detected in new hair growth for up to 90 days.
How Are Drug Tests Different For Edibles?
When consuming edibles, the effects take a while to kick in because the edible needs to pass through the digestive system and liver where the THC is metabolized and stored in body tissues. This leads to a prolonged high that can last a full day before THC levels begin to decline.
In contrast, drinking a THC seltzer, smoking flower, or vaping THC produces a quicker onset of effects which lasts about 2-3 hours.
Blood testing for smoking cannabis has a detection window of three hours to two days but edibles can give a positive result three to four days after consumption.
Urine testing is the most common because around 20% of the metabolites produced by the body when metabolizing cannabis are ejected in the urine. The normal detection window for smoking cannabis is three to seven days but this increases to up to 30 days for edibles.
For saliva and hair testing, the difference between edibles and smoking is the same.

How to Pass a Drug Test
Depending on how often and how much you drink cannabis water, it can be quite easy to flush out your system. Even if you have an imminent and unexpected drug test, there are some techniques to reduce THC concentration in your system.
- Stop using all cannabis products 8 weeks before your test.
- Hydrate well and drink plenty of water and clear liquids.
- Consume a healthy and balanced diet.
- Increase your physical activity and exercise levels.
The idea is that by following these four steps you will take an effective THC detox. It should help flush out the majority of cannabinoids lingering in your system by focusing on hydration and exertion which boosts your metabolism.
While we cannot guarantee you will pass a drug test, this is your best shot.
Pre-employment drug screening is permitted in most states, though some states mandate that employers inform applicants beforehand. It's important to familiarize yourself with the regulations in your state.
Remember that drug testing can be conducted randomly, so we strongly advise you to review state laws before placing an order.
Drinking THC seltzer has some big advantages over all other consumption methods. It is smoke-free and easy to dose. It gives you a potent high that kicks in fast like smoking, and it also expels from your system more quickly than edibles because your body doesn’t store the THC in fat and tissue.
How Long Does Delta 9 Last in Your System
The question, how long does weed stay in your system, is an annoyingly complicated one to answer because our bodies interact with cannabis in different ways. Depending on our consumption history, weight, body fat percentage, diet, and fitness levels, THC can linger in our bodies for up to 90 days.
Even if hemp-derived cannabis water and marijuana are legal in your state, a failed drug test can have serious implications for current and future employment prospects. Our advice is to confirm the policies of your employer or hiring organization before drinking cannabis water.
Whether you’re worried you might get too high or need to drive later, it’s good to know how to get weed out of your system. Check out this article for top tips on sobering up from weed.
How long does it take for weed to be cleared from the body
Typically, weed will remain longer in hair and can be detectable for up to 90 days from the day of use. Tests can detect weed for up to 30 days in your urine, up to 24 hours in your saliva, and up to 12 hours in your blood. Due to the many factors affecting how long weed stays in your body, detection times vary.
How long does THC stay in your body?
There is no clear-cut answer to the question of how long is THC in your system because there are too many variables. But, here is a simple guideline for time, based on consumption methods and quantities:
- Less than twice per week: 1-3 days.
- Several times per week: 7-21 days.
- Daily: 30 to 90 days.
- Oral ingestion: 1-5 days.
How long does THC stay in your blood?
The detection of marijuana in blood varies based on usage frequency and metabolism. For infrequent users, THC can be found in the blood for 3 to 4 hours, and its metabolite, 9-carboxy-THC, for 2 to 3 days. Frequent users can have THC detected for 4 to 8 hours, while 9-carboxy-THC may be detectable for up to two weeks.
How long does THC stay in saliva?
Saliva tests can detect THC up to 72 hours after use, and up to a week for heavy users, as THC is stored in fat tissue and released slowly. Generally, avoiding smoking for three days before a mouth swab test should suffice. Brush your teeth aggressively three times a day, focusing on gums, tongue, and cheeks. Drink plenty of water, chew ice chips, and eat high-fat foods to reduce THC levels. In desperate situations, rinse your mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, or vinegar.
How to remove THC from blood and urine?
The fastest way to “remove” THC from your blood and urine is to change your consumption method. Edibles take a long time to metabolize and more cannabinoid molecules are stored in your fat stores increasing the chances you will test positive in a drug test. Drinking THC seltzer gives you faster-acting effects that wear off faster and are ejected from your body more quickly.